Recognizing the Signs

Early warning signs of mental health struggles

Understanding Mental Health Warning Signs

Recognizing the early signs of mental health struggles can help you or someone you love get the support they need.

Panic Attacks

Panic disorder is characterized by recurring and unexpected panic attacks, which can be very intense and frightening.

Fear of Future Panic Attacks

People with panic disorder often experience fear or anxiety about having future panic attacks, which can lead to avoidance behaviors.

Physical Symptoms

Panic attacks often come with physical symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a racing heartbeat, which can be mistaken for a heart attack.

Avoidance Behaviors

People with panic disorder may start avoiding places or situations that they associate with panic attacks, which can severely limit their life.

Depersonalization (Feeling Detached)

During a panic attack, some individuals experience depersonalization, which is a feeling of being detached from oneself or reality.

Find Support for Panic Disorder in Your Area

Discover mental health services and support groups focused on managing Panic Disorder near you.