Recognizing the Signs of Separation Anxiety Disorder

Early warning signs and coping strategies for Separation Anxiety Disorder

Understanding Separation Anxiety Disorder and Its Warning Signs

Recognizing the early signs of Separation Anxiety Disorder can help you or someone you love get the right support and treatment.

Excessive Worry about Separation

A common sign of separation anxiety is excessive worry about being away from loved ones or fear of something bad happening to them.

Fear of Being Alone

Individuals with separation anxiety often have a deep fear of being alone or separated from loved ones, especially in unfamiliar places.

Physical Symptoms

Separation anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, or nausea when facing separation.

Nightmares or Sleep Disturbances

Children with separation anxiety often experience nightmares or difficulty sleeping due to fear of being separated from caregivers during the night.

Clinginess or Trouble with Separation

A hallmark of separation anxiety is a strong attachment to caregivers, often leading to clinginess and difficulties with separation, especially in unfamiliar situations.

Refusal to Attend School or Social Settings

Children with separation anxiety often refuse to go to school or participate in social activities due to their fear of being separated from their parents or caregivers.

Find Support for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Your Area

Discover mental health services and counseling available for individuals with Separation Anxiety Disorder near you.